Monday, January 12, 2015

Bangalore Day 1

I landed in Bangalore today. Immediately I had the sense that it was a nicer city than Mumbai. The city seemed greener and brighter. Mumbai felt like one giant construction site with buildings being built, and others in need of being rebuilt. At least so far, Bangalore luckily doesn't feel the same. Coming out of the airport we got on a section of highway that had about 5 lanes running in each direction. I am used to roads with three or maybe four.

Getting to the management university where we are staying was tiresome. Car, bus, motorcycle and scooter traffic was completely covering the road. On the plus side I got to see a sample of the city on our drive. I knew India was a popular country for technology companies, but seeing buildings occupied by Oracle and Adobe reinforced this knowledge. I hope to see more names I have heard before throughout the city. We also drove past a hypermarket. I had heard about them in my marketing class but they are uncommon in the U.S. The building was cavernous, completely dwarfing Ikea, the largest retail store I have been inside. I was told to dress up for tomorrow. I hope that means we are going to visit additional interesting sites.

The university where we stayed

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